Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü

Department Administration

Department Administration

Assoc. Prof. Cemre PEKCAN (Head of the Department)

E-mail : cemrepekcancomu.edu.tr

Phone : 0 (286) 3358740 Internal: (33054)

Asst. Prof. Belma ENGİN GÜDER (Vice-Head of the Department)

E-mail: belmaengincomu.edu.tr 

Phone: 0 (286) 3358740 Internal: (33049)

Asst. Prof. Muhammet Fatih ÖZKAN (Vice-Head of the Department)

E-mail : m.f-ozkanhotmail.com

Phone : 0 (286) 3358740 Internal: (33112)

Secretary of the Department: Elif Görür

E-mail: elif.gorurhotmail.com

Phone: 0 (286) 3358740 Internal: (33005)